DNPA Code of Ethics

Our Commitment

At Vigyan Jyoti, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards. This code ensures that our team members act with integrity, follow all laws and regulations, and prioritize the company’s and our users’ best interests over personal gain.

Gifts, Favors, and Payments

Gifts, favors, and payments should adhere to standard business practices, be modest in value, and comply with legal requirements.

Payments to partners or associates must be documented with a formal agreement.

Accepting Gifts, Favors, and Payments

Team members should not accept gifts, favors, or payments without a clear business reason, especially from entities related to Vigyan Jyoti.

Small gifts as customary business courtesies are acceptable, but caution is required, especially when receiving gifts from suppliers.

Conflicts of Interest

Team members should avoid situations where personal interests might conflict with Vigyan Jyoti’s interests.

Any potential conflicts should be reported to a supervisor promptly, including ownership in competing businesses or involvement with competitors.

Protecting Confidential Information

Sharing or using confidential information without authorization is strictly prohibited. Violations may lead to disciplinary measures, including termination.

Adherence to Policy

Non-compliance with this code will be subject to disciplinary action. Team members should report any violations they encounter or become aware of.

Social Media Guidelines

General Principles

Social media posts should be thoughtful, as they represent Vigyan Jyoti and can have lasting effects.

Team members must be familiar with and adhere to the guidelines in the Employee Handbook.

Posting Responsibly

Team members are accountable for their online actions; inappropriate content may lead to disciplinary action. Clearly distinguish personal opinions from official Vigyan Jyoti views when mentioning the company.

Maintaining Professionalism

Always communicate respectfully and professionally, avoiding offensive, threatening, or harassing content.

Respect others’ privacy and refrain from sharing false or deceptive information.

Honesty and Accuracy

Accuracy is crucial; mistakes should be corrected promptly, and any changes to previous posts must be transparently noted.

Legal Compliance and Confidentiality

Adhere to all legal obligations, including copyright and privacy laws. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is prohibited.

Reporting Concerns

Any concerns about potential code violations should be reported to Human Resources without delay. Retaliation against those reporting concerns is forbidden.

Plagiarism and Fair Reporting

Plagiarism is unacceptable at Vigyan Jyoti. Ensure fairness by giving all parties mentioned in a story an opportunity to respond.